I am so 100% over buckling under the pressure. Fawning to life. Wilting like a delicate little flower. Gross.

Let’s have a real conversation.

About all the shit I am absolutely tired of.
Completely bored of.

I will list them for you:

1. Feeling like I’m “too much”

2. Trying to “fit in”

3. Being anything other than my complicated, hilarious, confusing, intense, multi-passionate, intellectual, spiritual, ridiculous self

There are no rules.
There is no fucking right way.

THIS is the thinking that keeps people – especially women – stuck in cycles of high-functioning depression and anxiety and scurrying around trying really hard to be liked and loved and noticed.

Well… it’s shedding off me like old skin.
All the leftover layers of bullshit conditioning that kept the door to my own heart of hearts locked up and completely lifeless.

I’m just so over it.

You could say it’s trauma healing.
You could say it’s that I’m “Growing up”, you could say that it’s that I’m about to turn thirty.


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