[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 52] Trauma, Addiction & Recovery with Jeff Simone of Reaction Recovery

It's impossible to look at addiction without seeing the overlap with trauma.

In this episode, I talk with Jeff Simone, He is a Doctor of Pharmacy with a focus on how Fitness and Health help the addicted brain. Our conversation touches on the link between trauma and addiction, the slow pace of bringing the science of trauma into the addiction recovery conversation, spirituality and tons more. 

Follow Jeff on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/reactionrecovery/ 

Visit Jeff's Website here: 

Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 

Email Me: [email protected]

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In today's podcast I talk about what it means to build resilience. I talk about what it means to build emotional resilience, and some common misconceptions/myths about what resilience is. 

Work with me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 
Email Me: [email protected]

Resilience is the ability to bounce back. Move on. Get on with your life.

Resilience is an Emotional Skill that can be built. I like to think that people who have dealt with trauma actually have tremendous capacity to build resilience because of what we have been through. And we think what we have been through disqualifies us - but I really think it qualifies us for some tremendous transcendence, leadership, spiritual gifts if you’re into that kind of thing, as well as empathy, discernment etc - listen to how you think about trauma for more on that.

What Resilience Is:
Connecting to our emotions
Moving through emotions
Managing our own internal states
Recognizing when we need support and...

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PODCAST EPISODE 47 - The Gift Of Your Pain

In This Week's podcast I'm talking about why it's so hard for us to see, admit, and feel our own pain as a result of family dysfunction and childhood trauma and offer a different perspective on pain. 

Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme
Email Me: [email protected]

Show Notes:
What I notice so often that trips people up, is that they don’t want to acknowledge and provide grace and space to their pain.

They don’t want to feel their pain. They make themselves wrong for feeling it. They torture themselves for feeling it. And often this judgement and ridicule that we give to ourselves for being in pain as a result of our pathological families and childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences  is a result of the judgement and ridicule that our parents fed us when we tried to be emotionally honest with them.

When we expressed our pain.
When we asked for our needs to be met.
When we cried.

They may have said things like: “I’ll give...

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Let’s talk enmeshment.
If you know, you know. 

When you grow up in a pathological home one of the most painful and terrorizing realizations is the realization that you have been parentified - made into the emotional parent of your home. Taking on responsibility that was never yours. And all the while, without you even noticing your every need went ignored and even punished. 

The emotionally immature parent hates to see the reflection of their inability. And so, they will often emotionally punish if you show how their abuse has taken its toll on you. 


Instead of seeing YOU and meeting your emotional needs, your parent made you responsible for meeting theirs. 


In abusive, pathological homes - the caregivers/parents are emotionally immature. They struggle to see their kiddos as beings in need of selfless love and care. Their kids trigger their own subconscious imprinting of shame, neediness, and trauma. And, being incapable/unwilling of...

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It Is Safe to Have More Than Enough


You’re not the pressure and internal dialogue inside your head. 

You’re not in the past. And... You’re not destined to eat only the crumbs and scraps of life.

EVEN if that’s what your childhood experience was like. 


The imprints of trauma = get through the day, the hour. SURVIVE. 


This is why most who grew up in pathological families have a thought/emotion loop that runs something like this:

“There’s not enough time.”
“There’s not enough money.”
“There’s not enough energy”

The system is churning as if we were still living in the danger and threat of abusive neglectful families. 

And as this churn continues, we end up pushing away, running away from, or avoiding what we truly WANT, what we truly DESIRE and LONG for out of life. 

We never experienced the safety of more than enough and so we believe it will never be safe to experience it.  

But the...

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[PODCAST EPISODE 43] - The Weight of Your Life

Whose responsibility is it to bear the weight of your life? 

We're getting philosophical in this episode to discuss one of the most important universal laws and its application to healing and transforming your life from the ground up.

Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Work with me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme
Email me: [email protected]

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