Sacred Geometry

Let’s talk about sacred geometry!
Sacred Geometry is a beautiful way to understand ALIGNMENT. It’s the understanding that there are basic, underlying patterns and shapes which form the rhythms and flows of life.
These patterns are simple in that they usually begin with a basic shape, and mysterious because as the basic shape is duplicated or combined with other shapes, they take on a complexity that mimics the harmonic rhythms of all physical and spiritual life.
What does this have to do with your healing and alignment?
Well, if you’ve ever had a sense of destiny. If you’ve ever felt that you had a path you were meant to walk here on earth. If you’ve had a sense of sacred calling on your life, then you have tapped into your sacred geometry!
Human bodies have sacred geometry also. This includes your actual skeletal structure, cellular structure and organ positioning.
To go deeper, DNA is sacred geometry, snowflakes are sacred geometry. Water...
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Your Spiritual Gifts

I used to be scared to own my gifts as a healer. To claim that.
But I realized that to steward the gift, I had to own it. Fully. Regardless of what others may think. Regardless of what even I may think of myself!
If you’ve got a gift you’ve got it. Not because you “deserve” it. But because you’ve been blessed with it. That’s what makes it a gift.
Mind you I’ve done a fair share of mining that gift and honing it over the years. Even still - There is a mysterious element to it, as there is with all spiritual gifts.
It takes courage to own the gifts you’ve been given. It’s vulnerable. It’s tender to offer it to the world. To say “I can help you with that, I can hold that space for you”.
But when you own the gift, you are empowered to steward it in service - from a pure place in your heart.
From a desire to serve a higher purpose.
Your gifts are needed in the world and it is your sacred responsibility...
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I’m writing a memoir, and in that process I’ve been reflecting on lots of moments in my healing journey. On this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing one of those moments with you. An important time in my life 8 or 9 years ago when I healed the top layers of depression, freeze, and paranoid delusions. It was both a physical and spiritual experience. 






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Video Version of My Cover of Adele’s I Drink Wine From Her New Album 30:

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In this episode we are talking about UPGRADES! What is actually happening in your body when you are expanding in business and life, breaking through upper limits, and healing?

This reframe will help you have more compassion and understanding for yourself and the journey you’ve already experienced in your evolution so far. 


It will also help you to surrender the blessed messiness of life’s journey of living life as BIG as you possibly can. 


Because I know that’s what your soul came here to do.

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Your Journey is Divine

If you have lived a life that has required you to go into nervous system and spiritual override (aka pushing past your body, sensations & emotions), when you make the conscious choice to slow down and come back to your body it can be very uncomfortable. Your body will do all kinds of things as it receives signals that it is now only to move into the natural state of repair.
This is the time where you are becoming present to what the override has prevented you from feeling.
Yes our natural state is to live inside our bodies, but it is something we must re learn. And RE member.
And the detoxification of the old way is very real within you.
Harmony is our nature but our nature has been forgotten.
The pattern you are rewiring when you come home to yourself is a big one! It includes your cells, nervous system, spirit and psyche as well as your generational line past and present.
So be patient with yourself. Release attachment to the mind, to the outcome, to what the mind...
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In your Heart, there is a Seed

In your heart of hearts there is a seed.
A seed of destiny that longs to grow through you.
This seed is what pulls you inward to itself... it is what gives you the strength to face your darkest shadows and deepest fears.
In the beginning, this delicate seed in the chamber of your heart is private and delicate. It can only be touched by gentle hands and witnessed with gentle eyes.
But as it is fed and watered by both you and the Divine, it grows strong and powerful. And your destiny starts to take shape in the sacred geometry of your life, love and business.
When you forget about this seed, life begins to feel dry and forceful and pushed. Things simply dry up and feel brittle. Sometimes they even hurt. When we grow impatient we leave the chamber of the heart where we have been nourishing this seed of destiny. Where we have been faithfully pulling up the weeds that threaten to strangle it...
And we seek something out there... the next business goal......
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There is no Shame!

There is no shame
In your heart’s desire.
The opening and blossoming of your essence
And the feeling of being fully alive.
The messiness and the grace.
The beautiful unfolding.
The depths and heights of you.
The beauty of your pure soul.
As you dance with life itself.
The healing is in the living.
It’s in the breathing.
Your self expression shining as bright as life itself.
Eliminating resistance.
You are a quantum imprint.
The footprints of the galaxy.
And there is no shame in that.
With Love,
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Prosperity is a Heart Thing

Crack wide open that heart of yours.
Let it sing and speak.
Let it burst with love, direction, fire and passion.
Let it lead STRAIGHT to your Divine Destiny through the path of least resistance.
It’s not true that you need the bells and whistles.
It’s not true that you need to sell your soul.
It’s not true that you need to be someone or something outside of you.
It’s just not true.
All you must do is be present, hold space for the pressure and fear and let the the stellar explosion of your heart break wide open in surrender.
Prosperity is a heart thing. It’s a body thing. It is not material. It is not status.
It is the pure open hearted vulnerability of doing your sacred work in the world with all your heart and soul.
And breathing into it. Grounding into it with faith and surrender.
This is a revolutionary way of doing business. It is healing, liberating, and uniquely your own.
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Who are you Really?

It hurts my heart to see women who are successful and high performing struggle to feel truly safe with business and money. To see them struggle to feel present and settled in the amazing life they’ve created…
…Even after accomplishing things 90% of people wouldn’t dream of accomplishing.
As a healing and alignment coach, it hurts me.
And I created SUPERNOVA to meet this raw need I see.
To help you remember who you are - and that you are different - truly unique. And that the work you are here to do is special, and huge and magnificent, and that you are worthy of receiving and feeling safe with money as you bring that vision into the world.
To help you break free from the bondage of money chasing and ground your feet and heart so deeply into what you came here to do that your heart bursts with light and begins to dissolve the resistance.
Sure business is hard, at times - but it’s not meant to be a marathon of pain. It’s not meant to...
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Operate from your Heart

You can build yourself around your business.
Around how it “should” be.
Around what “needs” to get done.
Around your next money goal.
Around your branding.
You can twist and turn to make it “clear” and palpable.
You can live a whole life in the chase.
You can live a whole life in the ups and downs and highs and lows of that.
Overriding your hearts desire, your nervous system with a smile on.
Or you can decide that your life and your business is built around you.
That you’re gonna build it from your heart.
You can tap back into faith and remember that what you are creating is BRAND NEW.
That you are birthing something revolutionary…
You can tap back into the destiny leadership you came here to embody…
Around who you are, Your gifts, your core values, your service to humanity. Your heart. And your sacred work.
You can build and twist yourself around your business to make it “successful”.
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