You Did not Come Here to...

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Money: is it God or the Devil?

There is nothing emptier than chasing money for its own sake. 

Of course, there is nothing wrong with money. 
We use money in our current society as a resource. 

And I think if you feel driven to create more of that resource, then you want to follow that drive. 
Ambition is a beautiful thing - I think it’s innately human and magnificent. 
But the human heat of ambition is meant to fuel you to carry out your vision in the world from alignment.

Money is only one component of that. 
Money is not the devil, but it’s not God either. 
Money is not a saviour. It’s not a healer. 
And, you can have money without prosperity. 
This is how you can end up making money you never dreamed of making in your business and still feel out of alignment, lack of vitality and feel empty. 

You can accumulate money doing many things with many skills and many talents. Once you get beyond some basic money mindset work, you can run with it and make money...

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Prosperity and your Nervous System

The reason I love working with driven, ambitious people in healing is because I love to work with people who have a vision and are determined to make it happen. 
I love helping these people manifest their heart's calling in a way that supports them in their deep foundational healing including nervous system regulation, trauma healing & spiritual healing. 
My core belief is that we can have it all. 
I believe in healing and regeneration for all people. 

Sometimes you may get discouraged and believe you have to do it like everyone else. 
Although the way "everyone else" does it is actually an illusion and doesn't exist. 
Or, you may feel that you constantly have to push away old hurts, childhood wounds and simply push yourself to deliver. 

I am here to bring the good news - there is a better way.

You can bring your highest vision to life, live your purpose and do it in a way that supports your happiness, soul freedom and genuine health. 

This is the...

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Magic Mushrooms on your Healing Journey!

Magic mushrooms on your healing journey!

Facebook Live Replay

Visit my instagram to see the replay here:

Magic mushrooms for your nervous system & other Farmers Market Finds!
The documentary is called Fantastic Fungi!

For more info on supernova

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You were BORN to Prosper!

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. '” — Jeremiah 29:11.

…..You were BORN to prosper!

As in it’s not a nice thing to have.
As in it’s what you came here to DO.

Supernova is the Spiritual Mastermind for Leaders and Entrepreneurs. It is 3 months of PURE healing and prosperity. It’s about you prospering from your heart in the HIGHEST most RADIANT expression of your gifts.

It is you dancing in the grace that comes from being willing to shed the next layer of fear and shame and show up in the world as your self, in your essence - believing that all that is required for you to prosper is to follow the call within your heart.

This is not just another money mastermind.

This is a prosperity CONTAINER which revolves around your personal healing and alignment.

This is about your soul’s expression, your deep healing and accessing the prosperity that is...

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In this bonus episode of the Heal for Real Podcast, I am sharing the replay of an Instagram Live from October 11th. In that live, I covered Why your soul is saying YES to Supernova (The Spiritual Mastermind for Leaders and Entrepreneurs)! And why you MUST answer the call.


I cover:


1 - The evolutionary leap we are on as spiritual, conscious entrepreneurs


2- Prosperity - this is a prosperity Mastermind - freedom from fear and control around money and KNOWING that you can be your true self and receive prosperity.


3- Prosperity is a healing experience! In Supernova, we are releasing the shame, grief and fear and unhealthy pressures that keep you from owning your uniqueness.


4 - Knowing yourself and what you are truly here to do - Allowing yourself to own that you are here to bring something REVOLUTIONARY and completely unique into the world is the magic!


5- You have done the deep work - you have hit successful goals, you have healed so...

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It’s been months since i’ve recorded an episode and now WE ARE BACK! With a new show name - Heal for Real. It feels so fresh and lovely to be back recording this podcast. In this episode I share with you all the amazing things that have been happening behind the scenes as well as some encouragement regardless of where you are on your healing journey that life truly can be so GOOD for you.


Specifically we cover:

Embodied Healing Systems
sharing some behind the scenes info! The school, the podcast, the students. Everything! Join the waitlist for the 2022 round of EHS and get access to the private podcast here

Some awesome client stuff happening. 


Going higher on my spiritual journey.


Somatic Experiencing Training


Biology of Trauma Training With Dr. Aimie 


Human Design Certification 


Gene Keys Journey - Richard Rudd 


And Supernova! The spiritual mastermind for leaders &...

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Growing up in a dysfunctional, chaotic family can create a feeling of chaos inside.  This feeling of chaos represents the nervous system and emotional dysregulation within us as a result of trauma.  We get stuck in chaos cycles when we are acting out of this nervous system dysregulation without knowing it, resulting in unwanted or unhealthy consequences to our lives. 

In this episode, I share what Chaos Cycles Are, How Dysfunctional Families Create Cycles of Chaos and How We Can Begin to Move From Chaos in Harmony Inside.



What is a Chaos Cycle?
-Unresolved trauma within the brain and body that drives us to recreate experiences that are unhealthy or unwanted. Basically These are patterns in our lives that are resulting from nervous system and brain dysregulation and create a lack of harmony and health within us. Whether that’s our internal world or external world.

-This is an overwhelming feeling of chaos inside (survival energy/traumatic...

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[PODCAST EPISODE 63] - Toxic Shame & Fear of Success

It's been a little over a month since I've recorded an episode and I am so happy to be back (and back with a BANG!). In this episode we're talking about toxic shame and how it relates to the fear of success in high-performers. 

Here's What's Covered:
What is Toxic Shame
Where Does it Come From
How Does Toxic Shame Show Up
My Personal Experience With Toxic Shame
Toxic Shame & Fear of Success
Toxic Shame and Internalized Rage
How to Start Healing Toxic Shame

And, at the end I share a simple prayer for support in moving through it. 


Email me: [email protected]
To Work With Me, Book Your 1-1 Consultation Here: 

Show Notes Below.


Toxic Shame & Fear of Success


This is a deep, and sort of heavy topic. But it’s very important and it’s not really understood enough in entrepreneurial spaces and leadership and mindset  spaces. We talk about shame, but we don’t really...

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[PODCAST EPISODE 62] - BONUS - I Can Feel Myself Changing

In this short and sweet episode i'm sharing some of the evolution I'm going through, and sharing some snippets of my own story and journey. You'll love this bonus episode. 

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