[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 55] Validation Vs Indulgence

Are you scared that if you validate your emotions, or the trauma you've experienced that you'll turn into a self-pitying, self-indulgent whiner? 

It's not so! Validating our emotions helps us process and move through them. 

In this episode I explain the difference between validating our emotions and indulging them. 

Trauma Healing for High Performers Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traumahealingforhighperformers
Email Me: [email protected]
Book a Consultation: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 

Validation Vs. Indulgence

Today we’re talking about the difference between validating ourselves and indulging ourselves.

Validation: recognition or affirmation that a person or their feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile.

Indulgence: allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.

So, when it comes to validation: Often our families didn’t do this - our interactions with them caused us to discount our feelings and our opinions about...

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BONUS PODCAST - Episode 54 - The Queen's Gambit!

Queen’s Gambit is the epitome of a high-performer grappling with childhood trauma. Beth, brilliant, excels in school, and a wonderful gift/obsession of playing chess.

However, to break the chains of sabotage, and to allow herself the true win that she desires - she’s got to wade through addiction, sorrow, abandonment and loneliness. 

Join me as I share parallels between Beth Harmon's Journey and our journey as High Performers Healing from Trauma.

Email Me: [email protected]
Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 
Human Design: https://www.jovianarchive.com/get_your_chart

Bonus Podcast Episode  - Queen’s Gambit 


Queen’s Gambit is the epitome of a high-performer grappling with childhood trauma. Beth, brilliant, excels in school, and a wonderful gift/obsession of playing chess.


However, to break the chains of sabotage, and to allow herself the true win that she desires - she’s got to wade through...

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[GCH PODCAST EPISODE 53] The Healing Paradigm

We can't heal trauma from trauma responses, and so it's so important that we understand that our responses to trauma are often so ingrained and imprinted that we don't recognize them as trauma responses. We think they (our responses) are who we are. But this is a trauma paradigm. And so, to heal, we move into a whole new reality, we move into the paradigm of healing. 

Email Me: [email protected] 
Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme


Paradigm = a typical example or pattern of something; a model.

This is really what people are talking about when they’re talking about mindset - your mindset is your paradigm, it’s the patterns that are running beneath the surface. And I also believe in heart set which is like your emotional state because they inform each other and influence each other.

It is so essential and so important that when you’re healing that you focus on your internal mindset and heartset - that you work on...

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[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 52] Trauma, Addiction & Recovery with Jeff Simone of Reaction Recovery

It's impossible to look at addiction without seeing the overlap with trauma.

In this episode, I talk with Jeff Simone, He is a Doctor of Pharmacy with a focus on how Fitness and Health help the addicted brain. Our conversation touches on the link between trauma and addiction, the slow pace of bringing the science of trauma into the addiction recovery conversation, spirituality and tons more. 

Follow Jeff on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/reactionrecovery/ 

Visit Jeff's Website here: 

Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 

Email Me: [email protected]

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[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 49] Self - Alienation


In this episode I'm talking about a seemingly "heavy topic". I'm sharing with you the cycle of self-alienation which stems from an over-active toxic inner critic. I offer insights on the endless cycle of hating ourselves and catching ourselves in a double-bind and where this comes from. I also discuss how to become aware of this cycle happening in your own life and how to break-free. 

Email Me: [email protected]
Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 



Self-Alienation is a concept that I’ve been thinking about and meditating and pondering and really looking to take all my knowledge and my energetic imprinting about it and my somatic experience with it and and externalize it and really get it out into the world in a powerful way for you all because I really really have a lot of experience with it and have done SOOOO much healing deeply in my own body mind and soul around it. And I’ve been doing a lot of...

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Usually after I practice my embodiment practice, I find that poetry flows so easily from me
As a child growing up in family dysfunction, writing was a lifeline.

Now, with years of healing and embodiment under my belt, I find that what comes out of me is the story of redemption, and holistic healing. It solidifies the integration of my story within me as a place of power where pain once held me hostage. 

The experience of family pathology and dysfunction begins before we are conscious.
It begins in our imprinting, before we can speak and often before we can remember.

Generational patterns live within us as what Dr. Peter Levine calls “procedural memories”. While we can’t access the cognitive memory, the body knows what lies beneath. It tells the story through tears, trembling, anxiety, depression and other ailments that serve as messengers.

This poem is about how I really didn’t know I had a self. I grew up fractured and traumatized by a narcissistic mother...

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In today's podcast I talk about what it means to build resilience. I talk about what it means to build emotional resilience, and some common misconceptions/myths about what resilience is. 

Work with me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 
Email Me: [email protected]

Resilience is the ability to bounce back. Move on. Get on with your life.

Resilience is an Emotional Skill that can be built. I like to think that people who have dealt with trauma actually have tremendous capacity to build resilience because of what we have been through. And we think what we have been through disqualifies us - but I really think it qualifies us for some tremendous transcendence, leadership, spiritual gifts if you’re into that kind of thing, as well as empathy, discernment etc - listen to how you think about trauma for more on that.

What Resilience Is:
Connecting to our emotions
Moving through emotions
Managing our own internal states
Recognizing when we need support and...

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Pressure Pressure Rush Rush

Pressure, pressure pressure.
Rush rush rush.
Did you ever stop to ask what it is you’re rushing toward?
What it is that you’re in such a hurry for…?
Did you forget that healing happens one step at a time darling?
Life happens one moment at a time.
One choice at a time.
That there’s no magical destination. There never was.
You’re actually worthy now.
In this moment.
There’s no place you have to get to to be there.
There’s no thing you need to get over.
You can move through each moment as it happens.
As you are.
And be here. With yourself. With life. With God. With the universe.
And whatever exists in this moment is what is.
No pressure.
No rushing.
Just here. Now.
A little acceptance never hurt nobody.
Whatever life to be lived is to be lived now.
You don’t have to be perfect to be here.
You can just be here.
If you can't get out of the pressure-pushing-rushing pain of...
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PODCAST EPISODE 47 - The Gift Of Your Pain

In This Week's podcast I'm talking about why it's so hard for us to see, admit, and feel our own pain as a result of family dysfunction and childhood trauma and offer a different perspective on pain. 

Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme
Email Me: [email protected]

Show Notes:
What I notice so often that trips people up, is that they don’t want to acknowledge and provide grace and space to their pain.

They don’t want to feel their pain. They make themselves wrong for feeling it. They torture themselves for feeling it. And often this judgement and ridicule that we give to ourselves for being in pain as a result of our pathological families and childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences  is a result of the judgement and ridicule that our parents fed us when we tried to be emotionally honest with them.

When we expressed our pain.
When we asked for our needs to be met.
When we cried.

They may have said things like: “I’ll give...

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[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 45] Perfectionism, Spirituality & Self Trust with Valerie Martinez

In today's podcast, my client Valerie Martinez of Valerie's Revival joins me to talk about some of the work we did together in coaching, her experience cultivating grounded spirituality, the effects of trauma on physical health, perfectionism, living authentically and so much more. 

You can find Valerie on instagram at:
and https://www.instagram.com/valerierevivalpodcast/ 

Valerie's Website is: https://www.valerierevival.com/ 

Email me: [email protected]
Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 

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