Prayers for Your Trauma Healing Journey - Part 1



One prayer I often pray is: “Father - make the crooked places straight in my heart”

I get this prayer from the metaphor often found in Scripture of “preparing the way of the Lord”

In the Old Covenant before Jesus came, Prophets would proclaim His coming and they would declare that One was coming who would make things right with humanity. Who would “level the playing field” against sin, corruption and evil.

One who would heal and restore and repair. One who would light the way both in the world and in our hearts.

I love this metaphor because it is so profoundly true in the context of trauma.

Sin & Trauma creates so much confusion, dysregulation and disruption in our hearts and minds.

As a result, we can see things from distorted lenses.

What is safe seems unsafe & what is unsafe can seem safe.
We can be reactive or easily shut-down as a result of our nervous system’s sensitivity.

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 100 - Co-Regulation Leads to Self-Regulation

Click here to listen to the episode on iTunes 


Everyone say it with me: Co-Regulation leads to self-regulation!

This is a key concept for understanding trauma healing at the nervous system level because it teaches us how we can access neuroplasticity with support from other people who have regulated nervous systems.

In this episode, I talk about

  • What is nervous system regulation exactly? 
  • How does co-regulation lead to self-regulation 
  • The Role of Co-Regulation in Neurodevelopment from the womb onward 
  • Bottom Up Brain Development (Dr Bruce Perry’s neurosequential development theory)
  • Dysregulation, trauma and the healing impact of Co-Regulation
  • The Fruit of the Spirit:How the Gospel makes us naturally more regulated and co-regulated

Scriptures mentioned in the episode: 

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Birthday Post - I'm 33! Reflecting on my first year as a born again believer.

I’m 33!

Yesterday (Tuesday, Sep 26, 2023) was my birthday.

I became a Christian last year - it’s my first full year as a born-again believer. 

Though I grew up in church I don’t feel that I had a saving faith as my heart did not fully grasp the truth of the gospel.

I had a general revelation of God and His Word but looking back I really don’t feel that I was saved.

The reason for that is because my true salvation last year felt so radical and life-altering that it pierced my heart and changed me forever.

Before I was saved I wandered and looked for truth in mystical traditions and spiritual systems like Chinese I Ching, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spiritual Kinesiology and basically whatever else appealed to me. I was sincere in my pursuit but sincerely deceived.

Until God led me to the truth of the Gospel.

As a result, this year has been kind of wild.

I have made serious changes in every area of my life in response to the Gospel being brought to me by the...

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Heal for Real Podcast - 99 - Theology of Trauma Part 2 - The Gospel



This week is the second instalment of the Theology of Trauma Series - We are talking about the Gospel. 

Specifically we are looking at:
What is the Gospel?
How Do we live out our trauma healing journey with the Gospel in mind?
How is the Believer's trauma healing journey is different from the secular healing journey. 
Common Grace Vs Saving Grace 
A note on religious trauma 


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Heal for Real 98 - Theology of Trauma - Back to the Beginning Sin & The Fall

Let's go back to the beginning, shall we? 

In this episode, I share from the book of Genesis - The beginning of the Bible. 

Since I have become a Christian, my worldview has been transformed by the power of God's word and His Holy Spirit. And this worldview change, includes how I approach the philosophical ideas and theories of trauma. What we believe about God and ourselves will impact how we approach the treatment of trauma and the experience of suffering and healing. I believe the Bible gives a coherent, powerful, and ultimately liberating reason for why we experience trauma and suffering in our world today. 

Here's some of what I cover in this episode:
What is theology? 
Why is theology important to trauma? 
Sin and the fall
Why is there trauma in the world? 
How I approach the science of somatics (body-based trauma healing)
Practical guidelines for Christians as you approach your trauma healing journey to stay grounded in God's Word and avoid being led...

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Learning to Trust in the Lord

‍ Learning to Trust the Lord ‍

The thing God has been dealing with me most about since I gave my life to Christ last year has been trust.

Trust is a scary dirty word for a lot of us.

Add in a childhood wrought with abuse and neglect or any kind of relational or spiritual trauma for that matter and you compound on the challenge.

In my years of personal trauma recovery, nervous system repair, and formal training - I’ve learned and experienced a lot about the body and trust.

About how the nervous system can be wired for a kind of closed off hyper-independence in which we construct a life where we protect ourselves from the need to trust others for anything.

How the nervous system can learn to be drawn to (and even cling to) what is unsafe in relationships and deeply untrustworthy.

How we can be so cut off from our God-given intuition that we can’t even FEEL the instincts let alone discern and trust them.

How we can feel terrified to trust that which is actually...

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HFR 97 - The Gospel of Jesus & The School of Embodied Healing Systems

Last year I gave my life to Jesus.

Since then He has been doing a deep work in my heart every area of my life, including my business. 

In this episode, I am going to share with you what the gospel is and what it has to do with this next round of The School of Embodied Healing Systems. 

The statement about EHS that I read on the podcast: 

My testimony: 

Email Me:
[email protected] 

Apply for this round of The School of Embodied Healing Systems - We start August 15th! 

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Heal for Real Podcast Episode 96 - EHS Foundations Panel

Uncategorized Jul 19, 2023

Wow - this conversation with three of the clients who have gone through Embodied Healing Systems Foundations - the short, primer program for Embodied Healing Systems was BEYOND enriching.

Each of these women bring an intensely intelligent, unique and powerful perspective to their lives and work and you can hear how switched on they are.

Here’s a little summary of what we talked about in this episode:

  • The paradigm of pathology (Louisa)
  • Habitual Emotional Patterns that become Health Patterns (Sae)
  • How ADD symptoms resolve simply through nervous system work (Natalie)
  • The body’s innate ability to heal when it’s not being “fixed”
  • How the work has just kept on integrating and growing for each of them since the program has finished
  • The subtlety of this work
  • The power of orienting and the difference it has made in all of our lives
  • The integrative nature of Embodied Healing Systems

Follow Shyla on Instagram: 


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Successful put-together woman or good girl in disguise?

I had something to prove!

I didn’t want to be like my mom who was pure chaos walking and left nothing but destruction in her wake.

She was so uncontained and so wild and completely lacking any modicum of self-awareness.

As a kid I really just wanted to be normal.

I knew that I knew that I KNEW that I was not going to end up like my mom if I had anything to do with it.

So I constructed the image in my head of the successful put together woman I would one day become.

No longer an outsider.

No longer so different.

And I became that woman. And I’m so grateful for so many pieces of that.

And yet?

There was a part of me hidden - even from myself.

A part of me that was not fully alive.

And by part of me I mean the TRUE REAL me.

I hid behind being an expert on the nervous system - knowing the science and being so good at it. I hid behind my intellect. I wanted to be taken seriously. Seen as the consummate professional.

But yet? There was that other part of me that I had labelled...

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 95 - What I'm Going Through & The Ones That Brought Me Here

So I woke up this morning brimming with gratitude for the integration and activation that's happening within me.

And I am just thinking about all the amazing people that have been divinely put on my path that planted seeds in my spirit.

And I had an overwhelming desire to share it all.

Well this is easily the most vulnerable - and longest live stream I have ever done.

This is the replay of the original stream on INSTA.

It's about what I’m going through and the people that brought me here…

Wow I was not expecting this to go on as long as it did - but it did!

And I was not expecting to be brought to tears - okay maybe I was lol! But not that much…

I share what I’m moving through and integrating and what is coming through me. I also share some of the key people along the way that have made such a difference in my life. Not all the key people of course but the ones that came to mind.

I talked about the deep feelings of self-disgust and self-loathing that kept me...

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